Through much prayer and strategic conversations, we have revamped and further enriched the INTENTIONAL CHRISTIAN TRAINING Discipleship program at CCMB.
If you are new to the ICT journey at Calvary Miami Beach, the first phase is FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY. This is a 10-week commitment where over a 3-course dinner, we watch Alpha Videos together and have table-conversations and explorations together, pursuing the truth and encountering a deeper awareness of the love of Jesus.
Upon graduating that course you can continue with either GROWING AS DISCIPLES, which is a topical course exploring and learning how to walk as disciples of Jesus Christ, or you can partake in DEEPENING IN THE WORD which is focused on learning various skills to help divide The Word of God, reason through the scriptures, and even prepare teachings for the equipping of the saints.
We encourage you to take both courses, but should you have conflicts in your schedule, take a pause and take up the class that isn't currently attainable for you in the following year.
When you complete either or both of those classes, you are encouraged to continue on to LIVING OUT DISCIPLESHIP which is a hands on leadership development class.
The prayerful hope and desire is to further equip, edify, and encourage you along on your personal journey as a disciple of Christ as the Holy Spirit nudges you to take these life-giving steps by faith.
Even if you have taken what was formerly called ICT 2 or ICT 3 in the past, we encourage you to take it again as we have redesigned and intensified the material and added hands-on applicational steps to fuel your path forward.
Each class is a 10-week commitment and the fee for each course is $150 to cover food, class materials, and occasional guest speakers.
Scholarships and payment plans are ALWAYS AVAILABLE. Please email to inquire.