(Use this box to describe reason for disagreement of Statement)
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Other Phone
Email Address
Trade or Profession
Place of Employment and Phone
Marital Status
Name of spouse (if applicable)
Number of Children
Names and Ages (if applicable)
Best Service Times
Sunday 9:00am Service
Sunday 11:00am Service
Sunday 1:00pm Service
Sunday 5:00pm Español
Sunday 7:30pm
Tuesday 7:00pm Family Night
How long have you had a relationship with Jesus Christ?
How long have you fellowshipped at Calvary Miami Beach?
Which Services do you attend?
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM Espanol
7:30 PM Old Testament
7:00 PM Tuesday
Have you been water baptized for faith?
Do You currently serve in another area at Calvary
If yes to above question, where? (List all)
Which statement best describes your experience with children's ministry?
No experience, but willing
Some, but growing
Much, and love children
Everyone who serves at Calvary Miami Beach should have: A born again experience and a clear testimony. Honor Jesus Christ as the number one priority in their lives. Attend Calvary Miami Beach services regularly. Be reliable, dependable, and committed. Agree and follow the statement of faith and distictive of Calvary Chapel Miami Beach's ministry. Please share how and when you accepted christ as your savior, and how your life has changed. Please give an account:
Describe your devotional life. Spiritually, where are you right now?
What, if any, Christian authors, books, pastors or teachers have influenced you most?
Please list or describe your talents, skills, hobbies, etc.
Please list any Bible college, adult educational classes, workshops, counseling classes, and training classes that you have attended at Calvary Chapel.
Is there anything else we should know about you? Perhaps you would like to discuss a circumstance God allowed to occur in your life that equipped you to minister to others.
If yes please describe.
Please list any significant illnesses, conditions, injuries, or handicaps
Please list any medications you currently take (if none, write none)
Have you ever, or do you now use drugs or alcohol, including marijuana. If past or current please describe in next field:
Please describe any past or current use of alcohol or drugs
Please provide three references of someone that knows you that we may contact.
Reference Name #1
First Name
Last Name
Reference Phone #1
Reference Email #1
Reference Name #2
First Name
Last Name
Reference Phone #2
Reference Email #2
Reference Name #3
First Name
Last Name
Reference Phone #3
Reference Email #3
Have you ever been known by any other name? If yes, what name(s)
I HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS FROM LIABILITY all persons, organizations and other entities which provide references or information to Calvary Chapel of Miami Beach, Inc. with regard to me or my background. I HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS FROM LIABILITY Calvary Chapel of Miami Beach, Inc. , and its clergy, staff, employees and volunteers, with regard to any decision that it makes on my application. I consent to a copy of this consent being furnished to any reference that I have provided to Calvary Chapel of Miami Beach, Inc and to any other person, organization or entity that Calvary Chapel of Miami Beach, Inc. deems necessary in connection with its investigation of my character and qualifications.
I agree
I disagree